Month: February 2005

  • Job and Internship Search Workshops

    Feb. 15 – Preparing for the Job and Internship Fair Workshop Feb. 17 — ELCA Camp Fair day on campus Feb. 22 & 23 — Minnesota Private Colleges’ Job and Internship Fair in Minneapolis March 7 — Minnesota Education Job Fair registration March 8 — Resume/letter writing workshop March 15 — Job search strategies workshop…

  • Upcoming Events/Important Dates

    Campus Student Organization Fair — Feb. 17 Fall study abroad application deadline — March 1 Spring Break — March 25-April 3 Earliest financial aid decisions sent to those with completed records — March 15 Deadline for students to complete student-employment renewal forms — March 24 Fall registration deposit of $500 is due — March 31…

  • Getting a Job

    The Career Center provides numerous resources for job searching, but it is ultimately up to each student to actively determine his or her future. It is never too early for students to be thinking about their futures or future careers. First-year students and sophomores should already be writing resumes. Internships and career mentors are helpful…

  • Service Learning and Accounting?

    Many think of service-learning for education or nursing majors, but how about for accounting majors? Last semester, Gustavus students worked with Nicollet County, St. Peter, and college officials to analyze several proposed projects that may soon impact the St. Peter and Mankato area. The projects, a service-learning component of Professor Michael Klimesh’s cost accounting class,…

  • Church Leadership Program

    During January Term 13 students participated in a ministry fellowship coordinated by the Chaplains’ Office to deepen their awareness of leadership needs and opportunities in the church and to foster an emerging clarity of call through experiential learning and reflection. The experience included job shadowing, reflecting on spiritual gifts, and participation in an online class…

  • Study Abroad

    More than 50 percent of students study abroad. The deadline for applying to study abroad for fall semester is March 1. For information to help students decide if this is the right choice for them, to determine financial and academic impacts, and to select and register for a site, go to Study Abroad.

  • Student Involvement

    There are numerous opportunities for students to get involved. If students say they are bored, they may need to take more initiative to engage in the variety of events and organizations on campus. An organization fair will be held on campus on Feb. 17 for students to learn about different campus organizations. This is a…

  • Financial Aid Renewal

    It is now time to work on renewing your son’s or daughter’s financial aid for 2005-06. For assistance, go to Renewal. Parents are welcome to call the Office of Student Financial Assistance on the new toll-free phone number 866/933-6189 during regular office hours (8-4:45 Monday-Friday). The office will also be staffed expanded hours for phone…

  • The Rhythm of February

    February is the beginning of spring semester. Many students are optimistic about a new start and enjoy reuniting with friends who were away for January Term or fall. Later in the month, students may feel sad or depressed due to the winter weather or as the academic work starts to accumulate. In the spring, sophomores…