Year: 2006

  • Important Dates/Events

    “Building Bridges” Diversity Conference — March 11 Gustavus Music Showcase at Orchestra Hall — March 12 President’s Ball — March 18 Mid-term Exams — March 20-24 Deadline for returning students to complete student-employment contracts — March 24 Fall registration deposit of $500 is due — March 31 “Grad Finale” (seniors pick up cap and gowns)…

  • Change in 529 Plans Better for Families

    The 529 college savings plan and 529 college prepaid tuition plan are vehicles many families are using to save for college tuition. The Budget Reconciliation Act that was signed into law February 8 contains a change that now allows the prepaid 529 plan to be treated the same as the savings 529 plan. This means…

  • Explaining the Lingo

    Does your student use Gustavus terms or abbreviations that you do not understand? Do you ever wonder which office handles a certain service? Here are definitions of many common Gustavus terms and a quick guide to describing the offices and services frequently used by parents and students. Go to Lingo.

  • Internships

    Sixty percent of students undertake an internship at some point in their Gustavus career, during either the school year or the summer. This is an opportunity for students to explore career interests. Some take internships for credit, some are paid, some are full-time, and some are part-time in addition to other classes. An Internship Fair…

  • Academic Assistance Available

    Mid-term exams typically occur before Spring Break. Therefore, now is a good time for students to be seeking assistance with any academic challenges. Tutors are available for many departments and programs. Click on Tutors for a complete list. Also, the Writing Center on campus (located in Confer Hall 232) provides help because Gustavus expects all…

  • Building Bridges Diversity Conference

    The 11th annual student-led “Building Bridges” Diversity Conference is scheduled for March 11, 2006. The conference, titled “The Unspoken Voice,” will feature a keynote address by author and Holocaust survivor Inge Auerbacher. There will also be workshops and discussions, and the events will conclude with a Native American pow wow. For more information, go to…

  • Ordering a Gustavus Yearbook

    Has your student ordered their yearbook yet? Copies of the 2006 Gustavian Yearbook can still be ordered. Students and parents can order a book in the Alumni Office in the Carlson Administration Building or online at Create a username and it will prompt you to search for St. Peter, MN, and to find Gustavus.…

  • Graduation Is Around the Corner

    It is time to think about Commencement. In March, junior students are each sent a form to complete to apply for graduation. This tells the College if a student plans to graduate in 2007. ALL students must apply for graduation with the Office of the Registrar in their junior or senior year. On April 5,…

  • Housing Selection

    For more information about the housing selection process, go to Housing Selection. Off-campus, 4-person, and triples housing selection — February 21-23 Triples, flexible triples in Uhler, singles in Southwest, substance-free housing selection — March 14-15 Room clusters housing selection — April 23-25 Two-person housing selection — May 4-7

  • Financial Aid

    For more information about student financial assistance, go to Financial Assistance. Student Financial Assistance special evening and weekend hours to call with FAFSA and Supplement questions: Feb. 15-16 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Feb. 18-19 from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. March 14-16 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. March 18-19 from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Call toll-free at 866/933-6189 Regular office hours…