Year: 2006

  • Upcoming Events/Important Dates

    Fall Semester Course Withdrawal Deadline — November 10 Atlanta Area Gustie Gathering — November 12 Washington DC Area Gustie Gathering — November 12 and December 3 to watch the Vikings Flu Shot Clinic — November 14 All That Jazz Night in Minneapolis — November 14 F. Melius Christiansen 135th Anniversary Concerts at Orchestra Hall —…

  • Residence Halls Closed During Break

    The halls are closed during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break periods. Students who are not able to leave campus for the breaks due to distance may be housed in the on campus hostile with permission from the Residential Life Office. Students should notify the Residential Life Office by November 17 and December 15 for…

  • All That Jazz

    A night of jazz will happen on Tuesday, November 14, when paintings of jazz legends by David Rickert and jazz music by the Gustavus Jazz Lab Band will be featured at Premier Gallery in Minneapolis. The reception and jazz sets are hosted by Kelvin and Diane Miller ’73 ’76, alumni of Gustavus bands. Reservations are…

  • Gustavus Excels in Fitness and Dining

    Men’s Fitness magazine has named Gustavus as one of the top 10 colleges in America for fitness. Among the things considered in the rankings were nutrition and dining choices, whether physical fitness is included in the curriculum, and availability of workout equipment. They also examined individual student responses to questions on topics such as alcohol…

  • Gustavus Designated an "All Steinway School"

    Steinway and Sons, makers of what many would say are the best pianos, has added Gustavus to its “All Steinway Schools” list. This is an exclusive list of just 66 colleges, universities, or conservatories in the world. To be considered for the Steinway designation, a school must first have at least 90 percent of its…

  • Living Off-Campus

    Each year around 400 students are granted permission to live off campus, with the remaining 2,050 students residing in college-owned residence halls, apartments, or houses. Students MUST receive permission from the Residential Life Office to live off campus, which is granted based on the student’s housing priority number. Students should NOT sign a lease until…

  • Choosing Classes

    November is the time students select classes for January Term and Spring Semester. Students are often their own best advisers by taking advantage of the numerous resources to guide this process. The professor of the First Term Seminar advises those students until the student declares a major. When declaring a major, the student will choose…

  • Meal Plan

    Most students are on one of the meal plans offered by the Dining Service. Although students at times perceive meal costs to be high, Gustavus has the lowest-cost food prices among Minnesota private colleges and is also ranked as one of the top programs for food quality and selection in the country. The Dining Service…

  • The College Rhythm in November

    Staying healthy can be a challenge for college students, especially during November. The first round of colds and flu hitting campus, the emotional stress of mid-term exams/grades, and irregular sleep and eating schedules all converge. Student schedules are full with academic and extra-curricular activities, including many exams and papers that will be due before Thanksgiving.…

  • Admission College Fairs

    Below is a listing of College Fairs at which Gustavus will be represented. Please encourage prospective students in these areas to attend and look for Gustavus. For more information, contact the Admission Office at 800/487-8288 or October 14 — Chicago, IL October 14 — Greenwood Village, CO October 15 — Milwaukee, WI October 16…