Year: 2006

  • Summer with your college student

    Most students and parents find it an interesting transition if the college student is returning to live at home for the summer. Students are accustomed to different freedoms while at college and many families have also adjusted to a routine without their college student. Talk with your student about expectations, both yours and theirs. You…

  • Relay For Life

    Pulling an “all-nighter” at college never seems to be fun, unless you’re participating in the annual Relay for Life, a signature activity of the American Cancer Society. Started at Gustavus in 2004 by Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, this year’s student-organized walk was April 28. A total of 56 teams totaling 650 faculty/staff/students participated in…

  • Senior Week

    Gustavus sponsors a time of celebration and closure for the senior class in the days between the end of finals and Commencement. Senior Week events are planned by interested members of the senior class. Activities include a fiesta, Johnny Holm concert, Twins baseball game, Valley Fair, President’s banquet, spa day, sports tournament, boat cruise, and…

  • Baccalaureate/Commencement Tickets

    Baccalaureate and Commencement are Sunday, May 28. Each graduate receives four tickets for one of the Baccalaureate services (at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.) Seniors NEED a ticket. Commencement will be held on Hollingsworth Football Field. No tickets are necessary if Commencement is held outdoors, and families are welcome to invite as many guests as…

  • Important Dates/Events

    “Grad Finale” (seniors pick-up caps and gowns) – April 5 January 2007 Travel/Study Abroad Course Registration Begins — April 12 Easter Recess (residence halls remain open) — April 14-17 Returning student financial aid information due — April 15 Registration for Fall Classes — April 18-27 Last day of classes — May 17 Finals — May…

  • Career and Internship Search Workshops

    Education Job Fair Registration Ends — April 13 Education Job Fair — April 24 Summer Internship Orientation — May 11

  • Commencement at Gustavus

    Commencement at Gustavus is Sunday, May 28. Looking for more information on Commencement for your student? Check out Commencement.

  • MAYDAY! Peace Conference: "AIDS + Africa, the Unfolding Crisis"

    The 26th annual MAYDAY! Peace Conference will be held Wednesday, April 19. This year’s theme is AIDS in Africa. The conference will feature a keynote address by Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the HIV virus, and Marjorie Mbilinyi, social activist and professor in Tanzania. Part of the AIDS Memorial Quilt will also be on campus for…

  • Multimedia Tour of Proposed Football Stadium

    Gustavus is in the midst of raising funds to build a new football stadium behind Lund Center. Moving Hollingsworth Field is necessary to make way for future development of academic and residential buildings on the west mall extending from Christ Chapel. The football stadium is proposed to be complete for the fall 2007 season. To…

  • Housing Selection for Next Year

    Even though selection has happened for some residence hall rooms on campus, the majority of students will take part in room clusters housing selection April 23-25 and/or two-person housing selection May 4-7. The online housing selection process implemented last year provides a high level of fairness based on a computer generated, randomly assigned housing priority…