Month: November 2008

  • The College Rhythm in November

    Staying healthy can be a challenge for college students, especially during November. The first round of colds and flu hitting campus, the emotional stress of mid-term exams/grades, and irregular sleep and eating schedules all converge. Student schedules are full with academic and extra-curricular activities, including many exams and papers that will be due before Thanksgiving.…

  • Important Dates/Events

    Halls close for Thanksgiving — Tuesday, November 25, at 6:00 p.m. Halls re-open after Thanksgiving Break — Sunday, November 30, at noon Christmas in Christ Chapel — Dec. 5—7 Reading Day (no classes) — Dec. 13 Final Exams — Dec. 15—18 Halls close for semester break — Friday, December 19, at 9:00 a.m. Spring semester…

  • Christmas in Christ Chapel celebrates a ‘Joyeux Noël’

    Tickets are available for Christmas in Christ Chapel 2008, “Joyeux No

  • Residence Halls Closed During Break

    The halls are closed during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break periods. Students who are not able to leave campus for the breaks due to the distance to their homes may be housed in the on-campus hostel with permission from the Residential Life Office. Halls close for Thanksgiving — Tuesday, November 25, at 6:00 p.m.…

  • Choosing Classes

    November is the time students select classes for January Term and Spring Semester. Students prepare in advance for their meetings with their advisors by reviewing their degree audits which show them their progress toward their degrees, major and general education requirements yet to be met, and total number of courses completed so far. This review…

  • Meal Plan

    Most students are on one of the meal plans offered by the Dining Service. Although students at times perceive meal costs to be high, Gustavus has the lowest-cost food prices among Minnesota private colleges and is also ranked as one of the top programs for food quality and selection in the country. The Dining Service…

  • Health Service Insurance Billing Information

    If your student has visited the Health Service this fall, you will soon be receiving an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form from your medical insurance company. Any amount not covered by your insurance will be billed directly to your student’s Gustavus account. You will not receive a separate bill from Health Service. If you have…

  • Nobel Lectures Online

    Lectures from the 44th Nobel Conference, “Who Were the First Humans?,” held Oct. 7-8, 2008, are now available online at Nobel Lectures.

  • Family Weekend Evaluation

    Please take a moment and complete an online evaluation so that we may continue to expand and improve our Family Weekend at Gustavus. Only one evaluation per family is necessary. Thank you in advance for your willingness to respond at Family Weekend Evaluation.