Year: 2008

  • Help Current Gusties at the Career Connections Reception

    Come to campus and help current students prepare for the Minnesota Private College Job and Internship Fair. The Career Connections Reception is a time for structured career networking and informal career information exchange among alumni, parents, and senior students. Wednesday, Feb. 13 At Gustavus in the Jackson Campus Center 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. You do…

  • Gustavus Participating in Energy Challenge

    Gustavus and a number of other colleges across the nation are participating in the National Campus Energy Challenge throughout the month of February. During the month, members of the Gustavus community are monitoring electrical energy use through a new state-of-the-art website at Energy. This website is updated hourly and accurately monitors electricity use in campus…

  • Gustavus Ensembles to Perform at Orchestra Hall

    The 2008 Gustavus Music Showcase at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis will feature the College’s three internationally touring music ensembles — the Gustavus Choir, Gustavus Symphony Orchestra, and Gustavus Wind Orchestra — on Sunday, March 9, at 2 p.m. This event is a unique opportunity to celebrate the work of the Department of Music and meet…

  • Getting a Job

    The Career Center provides numerous resources for job searching, but it is ultimately up to each student to actively determine his or her future. It is never too early for students to be thinking about their futures or careers. First-year students and sophomores should already be writing resumes. Internships and career mentors are helpful for…

  • Study Abroad

    More than 50 percent of Gustavus students study abroad before graduating. The deadline for applying to study abroad for next fall is March 1. For information to help students decide if this is the right choice for them, to determine financial and academic impacts, and to select and register for a site, go to Study…

  • Student Involvement

    There are numerous opportunities for students to get involved. If students say they are bored, they may need to take more initiative to engage in the variety of events and organizations on campus. An Involvement Fair will be held on campus on Feb. 20 for students to learn about different campus organizations. This is a…

  • Financial Aid Renewal

    It is now time to work on renewing your student’s financial aid for 2008-09. For assistance, go to Renewal. Priority will be given to those with complete and accurate information submitted by April 15. Parents are welcome to call the Office of Student Financial Assistance using its toll-free phone number, 866/933-6189, during regular office hours…

  • The Rhythm of February

    February is the beginning of spring semester. Many students are optimistic about a new start and enjoy reuniting with friends who were away for January Term or fall. Later in the month, students may feel sad or depressed due to the winter weather or as the academic work starts to accumulate. In the spring, sophomores…

  • Job and Internship Search Workshops

    Spring Internship Registration Deadline — Feb. 15 Minnesota Private College Job and Internship Fair — Feb. 19 & 20 Gustavus Internship Fair — March 5 For more information on career and internship services, go to Career Center.

  • Upcoming Events/Important Dates

    Spring tuition/fees due — January 31 Interim Experience Classes end — February 1 Touring Week (no classes) — February 2-10 (Residence Halls remain open) Spring Semester Classes begin — February 11 Housing contracts due to Residential Life for all returning students — February 18 Late Registration Deadline for classes — February 22 Off-campus and 4-person…