Month: October 2012

  • The College Rhythm in October

    Following are some typical experiences and emotions for students during October:  The academic course load is in full gear; roommate problems begin to arise; students question: “Do I fit in here?”; first tests/papers returned; midterm exams; love relationships from home remain strong; seniors are starting the job interview or graduate school process; and positive or…

  • Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days

    October 20 – 23:  Fall Reading Break (residence halls remain open) October 24:  Mid-term grades posted October 29 – November 1:  January Interim Experience (IEX) course registration November 4 – 15:  Spring Semester class registration November 9:  Fall Semester course withdrawal deadline November 21 – 25:  Thanksgiving Recess (residence halls closed) November 25:  Halls re-open…

  • Christmas in Christ Chapel Tickets

    Christmas in Christ Chapel, the annual celebration of the Christmas holiday involving the Gustavus Choir, Choir of Christ Chapel, Lucia Singers, Symphony Orchestra, Brass Choir, dancers, and readers, will take place November 30th to December 2nd, 2012. Christmas in Christ Chapel worship service and buffet tickets are available online.  Tickets are $25 each event and…

  • Transportation to the MSP Airport from Gustavus

    Students interested in traveling from St. Peter to the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport can do so by using Land to Air. Students can purchase tickets for themselves at the Gustavus Information Desk, located in the lower level of the Campus Center. Gustavus offers a reduced price ticket for Gustie students.  A one way ticket will cost…

  • Care Packages

    Gustavus students love receiving mail. It is fun for students to have something in their P.O. box, or to have an email stating they have a surprise package awaiting them. Here are some ideas of what is helpful for your student: chips ramen noodles popcorn homemade cookies tea/coffee shampoo soap pens highlighters gift card to…