Year: 2014

  • College Rhythm in March

    Housing selection starts.  Students feel the pressure of mid-term exams.  Many students start to think of summer employment and seniors continue to work on plans for post-graduation. Some students are concerned with winter weight gain and are making plans for spring break. In the spring, sophomores begin to declare majors; students should start looking for…

  • Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days

    March 10: Off-campus living applications due for 2014 – 2015 March 15: President’s Ball at Verizon Wireless Center, Mankato, MN March 28: Final Exams for half semester courses March 28: Deposit due to be eligible for room draw March 29 – April 6: Spring Break April:  Room Draw process (see Residential Life website for more information) April…

  • January 2015 Study Away Information

    Is your son or daughter looking to study away for a short term, with choices in all parts of the world?  January Interim 2015 may be the perfect time!  Check out out Initial information for January 2015 off-campus courses at: and click on January Interim Programs.  Cost ranges will be available before Spring Break.  Applications…

  • Athletics Survey for Parents – Please Complete!

    The Gustavus Athletics Department invites you to participate in a survey for parents to help collect information regarding your student’s overall experience with Gustavus Athletics and/or our Lund Athletic Facility.  As a parent, your responses to the survey are vital to our future goals and objectives.  You will have several opportunities to comment on different…

  • What is the Center for Servant Leadership?

    The Center for Servant Leadership (CSL) is a place on campus where students can explore the big questions such as how you will “Make Your Life Count” and the everyday questions about how to become more involved in the Gustavus community. The CSL focuses on the whole person including mind, body and spirit and includes…

  • Gustie Lingo

    Do you ever find yourself confused by terms or acronyms that your student uses when talking about campus? Did they have great stories to share from “P-ball,” held last weekend?  If they asked you to meet them at “3-flags” or “the rock” would you know what they mean? If not, you can find out more…

  • Travel With Gustavus – Exploring Luther’s Reformation

    Journey on an educational tour focused on Luther’s Reformation with prominent Lutheran scholar, Gustavus professor emeritus of Religion Rev. Dr. Darrell Jodock.   Travel to Germany and Poland from October 4 – 16, 2014 to learn about the life and teachings of Martin Luther, along with the ongoing significance of his theology.   The trip…

  • College Rhythm in February

    February is the beginning of spring semester (though the campus and the state hardly look it!). Many students are optimistic about a new start and enjoy reuniting with friends who were away for January Term or fall. Later in the month, students may feel sad or depressed due to the winter weather or as the…

  • Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days

    February 21:  Late Registration Deadline March 8: Building Bridges Conference March 15: President’s Ball, Verizon Wireless Center, Mankato March 29 – April 6:  Spring Break April 2:  Midterm grades due April 10:  Women in Leadership Conference in the Twin Cities (parents and public invited) April 18 – 21: Easter Recess April 22 – May 1:  Fall 2014 Registration April…

  • Student Leadership Opportunities

    February is the month when most significant leadership groups at the College recruit new members. Check out the following websites for more information and please encourage your student to apply to whatever looks most interesting! Collegiate Fellow (CF) selection, Residential Life (due 2/21) Gustie Greeter Orientation Leaders, Campus Activities (due 2/25) Peer Assistants (PA), Wellbeing Center (website will…