Orders are now being accepted for copies of the 2009 Gustavian yearbook. Students often underestimate the value of a yearbook only to find years later they wished they had purchased a copy when they had the opportunity. Parents have also requested their own copies even if their student is not interested. You may order on-line by going to www.gustavus.edu/alumni and look for 2009 Yearbook Order Form on the left column. We encourage you to communicate your order with your student to avoid duplicate orders. Books will be distributed to returning students on campus next fall. Graduates and others who wish to have yearbooks sent to a specific address should add $5.00 for each book.
Philly Kauffmann, a staff member in the Office of Alumni Relations, is the best person to contact with questions regarding your yearbook order. You can reach her at pkauffma@gustavus.edu or 800-487-8437.
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