Author: mruble
Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days
February 19: Late Registration Deadline March 5: Building Bridges Conference March 12: President’s Ball in Minneapolis March 25 – April 3: Spring Break March 30: Midterm grades due April 8 (tentative date): Grad Finale for seniors April 28: Women in Leadership Conference in the Twin Cities (parents and public invited) April 11 – April 21: Fall 2014 Registration In addition, a…
Student Leader Applications
February is the month when most significant leadership groups at the College recruit new members. Check out the following websites for more information and please encourage your student to apply to whatever looks most interesting! Collegiate Fellow (CF) selection, Residential Life (due 2/19) Gustie Greeter Orientation Leaders, Campus Activities (due 2/19) Peer Assistants (PA), Peer Education Office (due 2/22)
Application for Graduation
A reminder from the Registrar’s Office: check with your senior student to make sure he/she has applied for graduation. Toward the end of fall semester, there were still over 200 seniors who had not yet turned in their paperwork. If you have a senior, make sure to ask! If your student has questions or is unsure of…
Career Development
Over 200 Gusties have registered to attend the MN Private Colleges Job and Internship Fair on February 17 and 18 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. 200+ employers are expected to attend seeking candidates for internships and career positions. Summer is coming fast! Health Professions Fair is March 2 and the Internship Fair is March 9, both held…
Room Draw (Housing Assignments) for 2016-2017
Below you will find a brief excerpt from the Residential Life web page. Talk to your student and remind them to start reviewing the details for the Room Draw process. Further details can be found on the Residential Life Room Draw webpage. Read “The Basics of Room Draw & FAQ” section of this website! Check…
Off Campus Living Permission
Gustavus Adolphus College is a residential institution. This means ALL students are required to live on-campus all four years. As the college does not have enough beds to house all students, each year a limited number of students are granted permission to live off-campus, with the remaining students residing in College-owned residence halls, apartments, or…
2016-17 Financial Aid Process
Following are the instructions for the 2016-2017 Financial Aid renewal application process. More explanatory information is available on-line at or you may contact the Financial Aid Office. If your student is graduating, please disregard this post. Renewal process for awards with merit scholarships: Gustavus Academic and Merit Scholarship aid will be automatically renewed based on…
Building Bridges, Silver or Lead: Wealth and Violence in the War on Drugs
You are invited to attend the 21st annual Building Bridges Conference, entitled “Silver or Lead: Wealth and Violence in the War on Drugs,” on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 9 a.m. in Christ Chapel. This year’s keynote speakers are Ethan Nadelmann, founder and director of the Drug Policy Alliance, and Anabel Hernández, Mexican journalist and author of the…
2014-2015 Yearbook Delays
We promise they’re coming! There have been significant publishing delays on the 2014-2015 Gustavian Yearbooks. They will be available during the spring semester.
College Rhythm in January
Many students are away from campus for student-teaching, studying abroad, or internships. This may create a sense of loss for students remaining on campus. There is satisfaction and/or disappointment with first-semester grades. Students may feel loneliness for relationships at home or relief to be back at school. Because students take one class during January, some…