Category: Uncategorized

  • Christmas in Christ Chapel 2020

    In the midst of a global pandemic and ongoing social discord, Christmas in Christ Chapel 2020, “Healer of the Nations, Come,” will proclaim God’s healing presence made manifest in the salvation story, renewing mind and spirit through life–giving music, dance, spoken word, and visual arts. This year, Christmas in Christ Chapel will only be a…

  • “Care for the Parent” resource link

    Here’s a helpful resource from Fordham University. It is a series of videos aimed at parents of students who are being affected by disruption, loss, uncertainty, etc, during this semester that’s been changed by COVID-19. You can find the website and videos HERE.  

  • Important Census Information

    We have received some helpful clarification on the U.S. Census that is currently underway, and wanted to share details with you. Your Gustie is also receiving this information via email today. Gustavus students who were assigned on-campus housing during the spring semester will be counted in the 2020 U.S. Census as part of the Group…

  • Important Information Regarding Student Accounts

    TO: Gustavus Students FROM: President Bergman SUBJECT: Important Information Regarding Student Accounts DATE: March 27, 2020 Dear Gusties, Thank you for your continued engagement, patience, and goodwill as all of us in the Gustavus community navigate these uncertain times. As you prepare to begin online classes on Monday, I know that questions about student accounts…

  • Important COVID-19 Message from President Bergman

    Gustie Parents, Last night, we made the difficult decision to extend our period of online learning through the end of spring semester. This is a challenging time for all of us at Gustavus and across the world as we confront the COVID-19 pandemic. As with all decisions made during this fast-developing situation, our primary goal…

  • COVID-19 (coronavirus) and Influenza Information

    Here is the update that was sent to all Gustavus students on February 13, 2020 regarding the coronavirus and influenza. The Gustavus Health Service continues to be in regular communication with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) regarding coronavirus (now officially referred to as COVID-19). As the College continues to monitor developments of COVID-19, a…

  • Annual Security Report

    In accordance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Gustavus provides information and statistics to the College community. The annual security compliance document is available online at: The report (released each fall for the previous calendar year) contains information regarding campus security and personal safety…

  • Family Weekend Info

    Family Weekend is a favorite tradition at Gustavus and it is quickly approaching – it’s this weekend!  We have many fun activities planned for the weekend of October 4-6th, including the Arboretum Fall Festival, a family-friendly “Comic Illusionist”  and a performance from Gustavus’s own LineUs Improv Comedy Troupe.  With so much to do, we are sure…

  • Message Regarding Death of Student

    Dear Gustavus parents and guardians, The message pasted below was sent to all members of the Gustavus community this morning, and I wanted to be sure to share it with you as well. Never in my nearly thirty years working in higher education have I had to send two student death related communications in such…

  • Important Update Regarding Missing Student

    Dear Gustavus parents and guardians, The message below was recently sent to all members of the Gustavus community and I wanted to be sure to share it with you as well. We are sad to share news of the death of student Alex Sarlis. As I shared in the message, the death of a young…