Monitoring the Meal Plan Posted on April 1st, 2006 by

The majority of Gustavus students are enrolled in declining balance meal plan for making food purchases in the Market Place. Money in these accounts may be used through May 28, 2006. Now is a good time to talk with your student about the status of their account. A Matrix has been created to monitor Dining Service meal plan allocation. Remember, these options were created to accommodate the eating habits of the majority of Gustavus students. If your student has a history of being a very big eater or buying a latte twice a day, they may be spending more than their meal plan. If your student has a history of being a small eater, they may have money remaining. Your student may request a printout of charges from the Dining Service. If you have a concern about eating habits of your child based on the balance of their account, please contact the college nutritionist at 507/933-7630.


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