Alcohol Education

Students take only one focused class while they are on campus during January and many organizations do not meet during this month as a number of their members are away from campus. This combination may lead to more free time, and some students will chose to consume alcohol at a greater rate. As a College we continue to be concerned about high-risk alcohol consumption and ask that you talk with students about plans for January Term and how they can use additional free time in productive ways. We have many programs occurring on campus during the month. We ask that you encourage students to check the calendar of events posted in residence halls and the Campus Center for ways to be involved. If students are of legal drinking age and choose to consume, it is important for them to practice low-risk guidelines that will keep them healthy and safe. If students are choosing to consume alcohol underage, also remind them of the consequences of violating state law and College policy. The Office of Alcohol and Drug Education and the Peer Assistants are great campus resources if students are in need of assistance concerning use of alcohol or other drugs. For more information on College policies and tips for talking with students regarding alcohol use, go to, Alcohol.


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