Month: November 2012
College Rhythm in November
Staying healthy can be a challenge for college students, especially during November. The first round of colds and flu hitting campus, the emotional stress of mid-term exams/grades, and irregular sleep and eating schedules all converge. Student schedules are full with academic and extra-curricular activities, including many exams and papers that will be due before Thanksgiving.…
Dates and Deadlines: the next 60 days
November 4 – 15: Spring Semester class registration November 9: Fall Semester course withdrawal deadline November 21 – 25: Thanksgiving Recess November 21: 9:00 am residence halls close for the break November 25: 12:00 noon residence halls re-open from Thanksgiving Recess November 30 – December 2: Christmas in Christ Chapel December 14: Last day of…
Residential Halls Closing Information
The halls are closed during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break periods. Students who are not able to leave campus for the breaks due to the distance to their homes (more than 350 miles) may be housed in the on-campus hostel with permission from the Residential Life Office. Students will need to apply to stay…
Travel Plans for the End of the Semester
Before you schedule flights or make vacation plans for College breaks, please make sure your student knows details regarding class expectations, final exam schedules, residence hall closing information, transportation, and travel time to the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. To allow students to travel, Gustavus does not hold classes the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Residence halls are closed…
Midterm Grades
Midterm grades were posted on WebAdvisor on October 24. These grades are viewable by your student. You should speak with your student about whether or not he or she is willing to share them with you. Midterm grades are a way for your student to have a general understanding of where they are in each…
Choosing Classes
November is the time students select classes for January Term and Spring Semester. Students prepare in advance for their meetings with their advisors by reviewing their degree audits which show them their progress toward their degrees, major and general education requirements yet to be met, and total number of courses completed so far. This review…
2013 Pearls of Central Europe Tour
Prague, Budapest, and Vienna Study Tour Experience Central Europe with esteemed Gustavus Professor Emeritus of History Dr. Tom Emmert from September 10 to 21, 2013. This 12-day Gustavus study tour combines learning, exploring, leisure, lecture, food, and arts with other Gustie alumni, parents, and friends. The journey is focused around three showpiece cities of central…