Career Development Posted on February 21st, 2013 by


Interview-sign184 Gusties have registered to attend the MN Private Colleges Job and Internship Fair on February 20 and 21 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, 208 employers are expected to attend seeking candidates for internships and career positions.

Summer is coming fast!  Camp Fair was February 12, Internship Fair is March 6 and Health Professions Fair is March 13, all on campus.

Now is the time to be thinking about summer and to seek opportunities. It is great for parents to be encouraging students to think about doing something over summer to gain new skills, new experiences….something that will move them toward their career interests.

Career Development has a blog at and we are on Facebook (GustavusCareerCenter) and Twitter (@gustavuscareer), and Pinterest (gustavuscareer), and our website – with loads of career info is

Tip to Encourage Career Action Steps: Ask your student about: GustieJobs, InterviewStream,, and Peer Career Advisors…..if they don’t know about these – send them to the Center for Servant Leadership!


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