Year: 2016

  • The College Rhythm in December

    In December the campus is focused on celebrating the holiday season and finishing the semester. The first week of December brings together more than 300 musicians and 6,000 guests for Christmas in Christ Chapel performances. During this time there is also stress over preparations for finals and final papers, excitement and anxiety regarding going home for…

  • Dates & Deadlines: The Next 60 Days

    December 8:  Festival of St. Lucia; December 14: Final Class Day December 16-20: Final Exams December 21: Residence Halls close at 9:00 AM December 22-January 2: Christmas Recess January 2: Residence halls open at noon January 3-27: January Interim Experience January 28- February 5: Touring Week February 6: Spring Classes Start For more information: 2016…

  • Residence Halls Closed During Break

    The halls are closed during break according to the following schedule: Halls close for semester break at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, December 21. Halls re-open at 12 noon on Monday, January 2. Each student is required to depart for the break within 24 hours of the completion of their last final or by 9 a.m. on…

  • Break Parking and beyond – Don’t Get Towed!

    PLEASE REMIND YOUR STUDENT: All vehicles remaining on campus over Christmas Recess must be parked in the designated break parking in the Bjorling Lot (directly west of the Music building) or if that fills up, in the designated break parking section in the Arbor View Lot.  Look for the BREAK PARKING signs to be sure…

  • Holiday Survival Guide for College Students and Parents

    Is this your child’s first long break home since arriving at Gustavus?  Have you thought about things like household chores, curfews, use of the car, and family time?  Check out these articles to prepare for the ups and the downs: Holiday Survival Guide for College Students and Parents The Return of the Natives Are you…

  • Festival of Saint Lucia

    Gustavus Adolphus College celebrated its annual Festival of St. Lucia on Thursday, December 8 in Christ Chapel. The service was followed by a traditional Swedish Smorgasbord in Alumni Hall. As part of this seasonal tradition, six sophomore women were chosen to serve on the Lucia court. This year’s court consisted of Elena Gotlick of Rockford, IL;…

  • College Rhythm in November

    Staying healthy can be a challenge for college students, especially during November. The first round of colds and flu hitting campus, the emotional stress of mid-term exams/grades, and irregular sleep and eating schedules all converge. Student schedules are full with academic and extra-curricular activities, including many exams and papers that will be due before Thanksgiving.…

  • Dates & Deadlines: The Next 60 Days

    November 11:  Fall Semester course withdrawal deadline; November 7-17:  Spring Semester class registration; November 23-27:  Thanksgiving Recess (residence halls closed beginning at 9:00 AM on Nov. 23); November 27:  Halls re-open from Thanksgiving Recess at noon; December 2-4: Christmas in Christ Chapel; December 8:  Festival of St. Lucia; December 14: Final Class Day December 16-20: Final…

  • Choosing Classes

    November is the time students select classes for January Term and Spring Semester.  Students prepare in advance for their meetings with their advisors by reviewing their degree audits which show them their progress toward their degrees, major and general education requirements yet to be met, and total number of courses completed so far.  This review also…

  • Midterm Grades

    Midterm grades were posted on WebAdvisor on October 26. These grades are viewable by your student and you should speak with your student about whether or not he or she is willing to share them with you. Midterm grades are a way for your student to have a general understanding of where they are in…