Category: Imported

  • Website for Parents

    Just a reminder that Gustavus has a website just for parents, This site has a listing of frequently called numbers, upcoming dates of importance, conversation starters for talking with your student, and information about your student’s growth and development during college.

  • Short-Term Medical Insurance Available

    Medical insurance for your new graduate ends soon! The Alumni Association has made Short-Term Medical Insurance (STM) available to meet the temporary health insurance needs of new grads no longer covered by school or parental policies, usually at a lower cost than other alternatives. More information will be mailed to the current graduating class. Call…

  • Staying Safe

    Although Gustavus and St. Peter are generally very safe, precautions and good judgment should always be used to protect one’s self and belongings. Many students are outside in April enjoying the spring weather, taking late-night walks for example. Here are some reminders for your student about staying safe Safety.

  • Keeping Healthy

    The next six weeks for students feels like a race to finals. It is wise to include health issues as part of the regular conversation with your student. College students often do not live a balanced life, with too little sleep and many pressures. Here is some general Health Information to help you talk with…

  • Monitoring the Meal Plan

    The majority of Gustavus students are enrolled in declining balance meal plan for making food purchases in the Market Place. Money in these accounts may be used through May 28, 2006. Now is a good time to talk with your student about the status of their account. A Matrix has been created to monitor Dining…

  • Housing Selection for Next Year

    Even though selection has happened for some residence hall rooms on campus, the majority of students will take part in room clusters housing selection April 23-25 and/or two-person housing selection May 4-7. The online housing selection process implemented last year provides a high level of fairness based on a computer generated, randomly assigned housing priority…

  • Multimedia Tour of Proposed Football Stadium

    Gustavus is in the midst of raising funds to build a new football stadium behind Lund Center. Moving Hollingsworth Field is necessary to make way for future development of academic and residential buildings on the west mall extending from Christ Chapel. The football stadium is proposed to be complete for the fall 2007 season. To…

  • MAYDAY! Peace Conference: "AIDS + Africa, the Unfolding Crisis"

    The 26th annual MAYDAY! Peace Conference will be held Wednesday, April 19. This year’s theme is AIDS in Africa. The conference will feature a keynote address by Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the HIV virus, and Marjorie Mbilinyi, social activist and professor in Tanzania. Part of the AIDS Memorial Quilt will also be on campus for…

  • Commencement at Gustavus

    Commencement at Gustavus is Sunday, May 28. Looking for more information on Commencement for your student? Check out Commencement.

  • Career and Internship Search Workshops

    Education Job Fair Registration Ends — April 13 Education Job Fair — April 24 Summer Internship Orientation — May 11