Tag: off-campus

  • Off-Campus Living Permission

    Gustavus Adolphus College is a residential institution. This means ALL students are required to live on-campus all four years. Students MUST receive permission from the Residential Life Office to live off-campus, which is granted based on seniority. Based on projected enrollment numbers, there will very likely be no off-campus permissions granted for 2018-2019. Students may…

  • Off-Campus Living Permission

    Gustavus Adolphus College is a residential institution. This means ALL students are required to live on-campus all four years. Depending on enrollment, the college sometimes has more students than beds, allowing an extremely limited number of students to live off-campus. Students MUST receive permission from the Residential Life Office to live off-campus, which is granted based…

  • Off Campus Living

    Gustavus Adolphus College is a residential institution. This mean ALL students are required to live on-campus all four years. As the college does not have enough beds to house all students, each year a limited number of students are granted permission to live off-campus, with the remaining students residing in College-owned residence halls, apartments, or…

  • Living Off Campus at Gustavus

    Gustavus Adolphus College is a residential institution. This mean ALL students are required to live on-campus all four years. As the college does not have enough beds to house all student, each year a limited number of students are granted permission to live off-campus, with the remaining students residing in College-owned residence halls, apartments, or…