Month: September 2012
The College Rhythm in September
Excitement; freshmen test new found freedom; frequent calls and visits home; homesickness; anxiety about roommates, adjustment to professors and classes; how to get involved on campus/while some get over involved; need to balance social and academic schedules; pledging and recruitment period for fraternities and sororities (sophomores and up). May face troubles with budgeting and…
Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days
September 17: Fraternity/Sorority pledging begins September 17: Late registration deadline September 28: Deadline to register for Family Weekend October 2 – 3: Nobel Conference 48: Our Global Ocean October 5: Visit from the King and Queen of Sweden October 5 – 6: Family Weekend October 12 – 13: Homecoming October 19: Final exams for…
Flu Shots on Campus
There will flu shot clinics held on campus on Wednesday, September 26 and Tuesday, October 9, in the Heritage Banquet Room from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. These clinics are available for current students and employees over the age of 18. Payment Methods: Billing Insurance: Bring your insurance card. For faster check-in, bring a copy…
Fraternity/Sorority Pledging
The pledge period for the Gustavus Greek system occurs in September and October. There are five fraternities and six sororities on campus, four of which are national affiliates. The Greek tradition at Gustavus dates back more than 100 years. Students and advisers have worked hard during this past year to develop the pledge period…
Guide for New Gusties – First 100 Days
Staff members in the Office of Residential Life invite parents of first-year students to review the 2012 – 2013 “Your First 100 Days” calendar. This publication represents a compilation of events and activities for a student’s first 100 days at Gustavus. Each item has been selected to provide first-year students with the opportunity to…
Gustavus Photo/Video Sharing
Gustavus has a number of different accounts for sharing photos and videos of special events, student activities, and general days on campus. Go to the Gustavus homepage and find the red “Feedback” tab on the far left hand side of your screen. Just above it are shortcut icons to the Gustavus Flickr account, Gustavus…
First Year Class (’16) Demographics
Over 715 new students were welcomed to campus on Friday, August 31. Orientation ran August 31 – September 3, with the formal start of the academic year beginning on Tuesday, September 4. Here are some facts and figures regarding the Class of 2016: Average unweighted grade point average of incoming class is 3.66 Average…