Year: 2014

  • Promoting a Healthy and Safe Culture of Involvement

    As the fall semester gets underway, Gusties will have the chance to get involved on campus.  Whether it be a student organization, athletic team or fine arts program, participation in these organizations represents a great opportunity for students to explore new interests, connect with peers and develop leadership skills.  Gustavus is committed to maintaining an…

  • Following Gustavus on Social Media

    Where To Follow Gustavus…Are you wondering where you can follow Gustavus on social media? Here are some helpful links. Also remember that you can access the college’s social media accounts by clicking on the respective icons on the far left side of the College’s homepage. Facebook: Instagram: Flickr: YouTube: LinkedIn:…

  • Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days

    August 29:  First year student move-in day August 29 – September 1: New Student Orientation August 31:  Transfer student move-in day August 31 – September 1:  Transfer Student Orientation September 1:  Returning student move-in day September 2:  Classes begin September 9:  Involvement Fair, Eckman Mall September 10:  Reading in Common author Kelsey Timmerman visits September 15:…

  • MOVE IN DAY DETOURS: Important Traffic Information!

    Friday, August 29th is move-in day for new students.  Please allow extra time to get to campus, and be aware of detours in and around St. Peter.  Make note of the following traffic instructions: Due to a detour associated with road construction on MN State Highway 169 (both North and South bound) between St. Peter…

  • Last Chance for Parent Dinner tickets!

    Parents of first year students: come as you are after a physically and emotionally draining move-in day (August 29) to enjoy a relaxed meal and entertaining program with other family members who are going through the same things! This Parent Dinner & Orientation is scheduled from 5 – 7 p.m. in the Heritage Banquet Room…

  • Required risk reduction course for new students

    Please check with your incoming student to see if he/she has completed the mandatory online course called Think About It by Campus Clarity.  All new students(including athletes and other early arrival students) are required to complete the course by August 25th.  An email was sent to each student’s Gustavus email account on July 31st, with…

  • FAQs about on-campus living

    Now that the realities of preparing and shopping for living on campus are hitting you, you’re sure to think of a number of questions.  Fortunately the Residential Life office has a great website with lots of valuable information: Room layout and dimension information (for every specific first year room on campus!) Rental information for bed…

  • Parking permit information

    Students who wish to park a vehicle on campus must obtain a student parking permit by registering their motor vehicle with the Department of Campus Safety. The student parking permit fee for 2014-2015 is $250.  Pro-rated, one semester rates are also available. Online vehicle and bike registration is available through August 24. Students will need their email…

  • Student Health Insurance: last chance

    A small number of families have not yet responded.  One last reminder: Students will AUTOMATICALLY be enrolled in student health insurance for the 2014-2015 school year. Every student will see a charge of $1699 on their student account.  If you do not want this student health insurance, you must waive it online by providing proof of current health insurance…

  • From one mom to another

    Indulge me for just a moment for a pseudo-personal post.  I wanted to share some resources that moms (and maybe dads too, if you don’t mind a little bit of sappiness) might enjoy.  I have authored this blog for a number of years now and have kept it “all business.”  But I can’t resist every…