Category: Announcement

  • Senior Experience Website

    In February, Gustavus officially launched a new centralized website devoted entirely to the communication of senior specific resources and services. In consultation with students, staff, and administrators it was concluded that seniors at Gustavus are in little need of more programming around their important year in transition. Rather, the greatest need was for a unified…

  • January 2014 Study Away Information

    Is your son or daughter looking to study away for a short term, with choices in all parts of the world?  January Interim 2014 may be the perfect time!  Check out out initial information for January 2014 off-campus courses at: and click on January Interim Programs.  Cost ranges will be available soon.  Start speaking with…

  • College Rhythm in February

    February is the beginning of spring semester. Many students are optimistic about a new start and enjoy reuniting with friends who were away for January Term or fall. Later in the month, students may feel sad or depressed due to the winter weather or as the academic work starts to accumulate. In the spring, sophomores…

  • Room Draw 2013

    Below you will find a brief excerpt from the Residential Life web page. Talk to your student and remind them to start reviewing the details for the Room Draw process (formerly known as housing selection). Further details will follow as we get closer to the time for Room Draw. Step by Step Guide to Room…

  • Off-Campus Living Permission

    Gustavus Adolphus College is a residential institution. This means ALL students are required to live on-campus all four years. As the college does not have enough beds to house all students, each year a limited number of students are granted permission to live off-campus, with the remaining students residing in College-owned residence halls, apartments, or…

  • Career Development

      184 Gusties have registered to attend the MN Private Colleges Job and Internship Fair on February 20 and 21 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, 208 employers are expected to attend seeking candidates for internships and career positions. Summer is coming fast!  Camp Fair was February 12, Internship Fair is March 6 and Health Professions…

  • Student Leadership Opportunities

    February is the month when most significant leadership groups at the College recruit new members. Check out the following websites for more information and please encourage your student to apply to whatever looks most interesting! Collegiate Fellow (CF) selection, Residential Life (due 2/22) “Gustie Greeter” Orientation Leaders, Student Activities (due 2/25) Peer Assistants (PA), Alcohol…

  • American Swedish Institute Forum with Current and Emeritus Gustavus Professors

    As your students spend hours in classes and studying you can have the opportunity to learn something new from our Gustavus professors in Minneapolis. Check out the American Swedish Institute Forum’s in March, April and May as they feature lectures by current and emeritus professors. The ASI Forum on March 27 will feature Roland Thorstensson,…

  • U.S. Civil War Study Tour

    Experience Antietam, Gettysburg and Washington D.C. with Gustavus Alumnus and Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War Historian Dr. James McPherson ’58 from October 20 to 26, 2013. Dr. McPherson’s vast and insightful knowledge will bring to life all the drama of events at Antietam and Gettysburg. With unquestionable authority and skillful narrative, he will explain the momentous issues…

  • Applying for Graduation

    A reminder from the Registrar’s Office: check with your senior student to make sure he/she has applied for graduation. The deadline was October 1.  Toward the end of fall semester, there were still over 200 seniors who had not yet turned in their paperwork.  If you have a senior, make sure to ask! If your…