Category: Event
Resource for Job and Internship Seekers
The MN Private Colleges Job and Internship Fair will be held this year on Wednesday & Thursday, February 20 & 21, 2013. To get an idea about the fair before going, visit the fair website or watch this video. Note that this fair differs from other job and internship fairs in that candidates can contact…
Travel with Gustavus to Central Europe
Experience Central Europe with distinguished Gustavus professor emeritus of history Dr. Tom Emmert from September 10 to 21, 2013. The journey is focused around three showpiece cities of Central Europe: Prague, Vienna, and Budapest. This 12-day Gustavus study tour combines learning, exploring, leisure, lecture, food, and arts. Initial registration requested by February 1, 2013. For…
Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days
December 14: Last day of classes December 15: Reading Day December 17 – 20: Final Exams December 21: 9:00 am residence halls close for semester break Early January: Financial aid information sent to returning students January 6: 12:00 noon residence halls re-open from semester break January 7 – February 1: January Term (IEX) classes February…
Christmas break parking
PLEASE REMIND YOUR STUDENT: All vehicles remaining on campus over Christmas break must be parked in the gravel lot next to the music building (Bjorling lot). This year the break parking area is marked with signs, which state “Break Parking”. Students may not leave their cars in the Southwest parking lot as in previous years.…
Dates and Deadlines: the next 60 days
November 4 – 15: Spring Semester class registration November 9: Fall Semester course withdrawal deadline November 21 – 25: Thanksgiving Recess November 21: 9:00 am residence halls close for the break November 25: 12:00 noon residence halls re-open from Thanksgiving Recess November 30 – December 2: Christmas in Christ Chapel December 14: Last day of…
Residential Halls Closing Information
The halls are closed during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break periods. Students who are not able to leave campus for the breaks due to the distance to their homes (more than 350 miles) may be housed in the on-campus hostel with permission from the Residential Life Office. Students will need to apply to stay…
2013 Pearls of Central Europe Tour
Prague, Budapest, and Vienna Study Tour Experience Central Europe with esteemed Gustavus Professor Emeritus of History Dr. Tom Emmert from September 10 to 21, 2013. This 12-day Gustavus study tour combines learning, exploring, leisure, lecture, food, and arts with other Gustie alumni, parents, and friends. The journey is focused around three showpiece cities of central…
Christmas in Christ Chapel Tickets
Christmas in Christ Chapel, the annual celebration of the Christmas holiday involving the Gustavus Choir, Choir of Christ Chapel, Lucia Singers, Symphony Orchestra, Brass Choir, dancers, and readers, will take place November 30th to December 2nd, 2012. Christmas in Christ Chapel worship service and buffet tickets are available online. Tickets are $25 each event and…
Flu Shots on Campus
There will flu shot clinics held on campus on Wednesday, September 26 and Tuesday, October 9, in the Heritage Banquet Room from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. These clinics are available for current students and employees over the age of 18. Payment Methods: Billing Insurance: Bring your insurance card. For faster check-in, bring a copy…
Dates and Deadlines: The Next 60 Days
August 31: New student move in day, residence halls open at 9 a.m. August 31 – September 3: New Student Orientation September 2 – 3: Transfer Student Orientation September 4: Classes begin September 11: Student Involvement Fair, 4 -6:30, Eckman Mall October 2 – 3: Nobel Conference October 5 – 7: Family Weekend October…