Category: Imported
Meal Plan
Most students are on one of the Dining Service meal plans. Although students at times perceive meal costs to be high, Gustavus has the lowest food cost among Minnesota private colleges. The Dining Service provides a guideline for each plan to determine if the student is on pace with their use of the meal plan…
Job and Internship Search Workshops
Job and Internship Fair Information Sessions — Nov. 1-5 January Term Career Exploration Pre-registration Deadline — Nov. 8 Registration for MN Private College Job and Internship Fair begins — Nov. 29
Greeks at Gustavus
The annual fall rush for the social fraternities and sororities was canceled last week, four days before its scheduled completion, by Dean of Students Hank Toutain after consulting with Greek leadership. The safety of Gustavus students was being placed at risk by fraternity and sorority practices associated with rush, which were not restricted to one…
Election Time
In preparation for the national elections in November, the Young Republicans and Young Democrats have been active on campus promoting candidates and encouraging students to become educated and engaged in the political process. The groups are co-sponsoring several events, including watching the presidential debates on large-screen television, showing the controversial film Fahrenheit 9/11 followed by…
Upcoming Events
Final exams for half-semester courses — Oct. 22 Deadline for J-Term study abroad application — Oct. 22 Reading Break (no classes, residence halls remain open) — Oct. 23-26 Mid-term grades submitted from faculty — Oct. 27 Christmas in Christ Chapel: “Seasons of Promise” — Dec. 3-5 Note on ordering tickets for Christmas in Christ Chapel…
Job and Internship Search Workshops
Internship and Career Exploration Session — Oct. 13 The Ultimate Road Trip: “Campus 2 Career” is a dynamic and interactive presentation for first year students — Oct. 13 Internship and Career Exploration Session — Oct. 25 Internship and Career Exploration Session — Oct. 27 Health Profession Career Information Session — Nov. 1 Internship and Career…
Nobel Conference, The Science of Aging
The 40th annual Nobel Conference, focusing on “The Science of Aging,” brought more than 6,000 guests to campus Oct. 5-6 to learn about research being conducted on longevity, Alzheimer’s disease, and other aging-related issues. Next year’s conference, on Einstein, will be Sept. 27-28. For more information go to
Choosing a Major
One of the first steps toward graduation for students is choosing a major. With 44 majors and 16 pre-professional programs to choose from, it is very common for students to switch majors or add a minor. Approximately 25% of students have more than one major. For more information on the process of choosing a major…
The College Rhythm of October
The following are some typical experiences and emotions for students during October: The academic course load is in full gear; roommate problems begin to arise; students question: “Do I fit in here?”; first tests/papers returned; Nobel Conference; midterm exams; Fall Break; love relationships from home remain strong; seniors are starting the job interview or graduate…
Academic Success
As mentioned earlier, October is a busy academic time for students. Gustavus provides many resources to help students succeed including personal meetings with academic advisers, tips for studying, and a writing center for proofing papers. For more information on the Academic Advising Center go to For information on study tips go to And…