H1N1 Update from President Ohle Posted on September 8th, 2009 by

To: The Gustavus Community
From: President Jack R. Ohle

As we welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus to kick off a great new academic year, we also kick off a flu season notable for the continued H1N1 global pandemic.

While we do not expect H1N1 to disrupt our normal campus operations, we can anticipate more cases of flu than would be typical. According to health authorities, H1N1 continues to be present in fairly mild form. In most cases, symptoms should be manageable with plenty of fluids, rest, and, if needed, fever reducing medication. Social distancing is advised (see below).

In response to more acute flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, body aches, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea), students are encouraged to contact the Gustavus Health Service (lower level of the Jackson Campus Center, 507-933-7630. Faculty and staff should contact their own health care provider(s). Health care professionals are in the best position to determine if you need evaluation and management.

Some individuals could be at greater risk of complications with flu. These include pregnant women and those with an underlying condition such as asthma, diabetes, or an impaired immune system. Individuals at risk should discuss a potential H1N1 plan with a health provider now and should report to a provider at the first sign of flu. A list of symptoms and CDC recommendations can be found online. http://cdc.gov/h1n1flu/sick.htm

We ask that all members of the Gustavus community keep the following points in mind:


Please stay tuned to H1N1 communications this fall. Your best resource will be this website. In addition we will send out e-mail messages to the campus community if circumstances warrant an additional layer of communication. If you have a question or concern not covered by our website, please call the Gustavus Health Service at 507-933-7630.


Please continue to follow CDC recommendations for cold and flu prevention:

  1. Wash your hands frequently or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  2. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
  3. Try to avoid close contact with sick people
  4. Talk to a health care provider about flu vaccination


Social distancing

If you develop flu-like symptoms, avoid contact with other people until 24 hours after your fever has subsided.


  • If you are suffering flu-like symptoms and reside in a residence hall, please consider leaving campus either by going home or to the off-campus home of a friend or relative until 24 hours following your fever. If you live in a residence hall and are unable to leave campus, please stay in your room. Ask a friend to be your “flu buddy” and deliver meals and class notes to you. Gustavus has flu buddy kits available at the Health Service.
  • If you have flu symptoms and live off campus, stay home from school. Find a “flu buddy” to bring notes from class.
  • If you can’t avoid close contact with others on campus, wear a surgical mask, available at the Health Service.


  • Please be advised that if your son or daughter’s condition warrants social distancing, you could be called upon to help transport him or her home as your schedule and proximity to Gustavus permit. We understand that this might not be possible in all cases.

Faculty and staff members:

  • Stay home if you feel sick.
  • Work with your supervisor to arrange job coverage in your absence.
  • If you can’t avoid close contact with others on campus, wear a surgical mask, available at the Health Service.

Thank you for doing your part to help keep yourself, and others at Gustavus, as healthy as possible this fall.


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