Don’t Meet the Parents! Posted on January 7th, 2011 by

It may be every teenager’s worst nightmare- your parent showing up in the middle of school to complete some unimaginably embarrassing task or bring you some cruelly humiliating object.  What could be worse than that, your past teenage self may ask?  Well, try having it happen at a job interview.  As Dan Finnigan puts it in his article “It’s Not Your Mom’s Job Hunt”, “if a recruiter has to deal with your mom or dad, you’re not getting the job (unless they own the company).”  However, he does point out six ways in which parents can help:

  1. “Reading over your resume to give you a fresh perspective, but NOT writing the resume, word for word;
  2. Coaching you on how to negotiate a salary offer, but NOT negotiating on your behalf, term by term;
  3. Brainstorming ideas for your job search, but NOT doing the search, job by job;
  4. Giving you practice interview questions, but NOT serving as your reference;
  5. Alerting you to a local job fair, but NOT attending it with you (or worse yet, for you);
  6. Talking over the pros and cons of job choices, but NOT making the final job decision.”

Go online to view the entire article:

Submitted by Mark Wamma, Career Center


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