Summer Reading in Common Posted on June 24th, 2014 by


WhereAmIEating whereamiwearingLooking for a good summer read?  This year, we have two suggestions!  Each summer, incoming Gustavus students are asked to read a “Reading in Common” book that will be discussed during New Student Orientation and, for some students, during their First Term Seminar course.  Many members of the Gustavus community including faculty, staff, and upperclass students also read the book over the summer.  The Reading in Common selections for 2014 are Where Am I Wearing? and Where Am I Eating?, both by Kelsey Timmerman.  These books discuss the global clothing and global food markets, respectively, as the author goes on a worldwide tour to discover where his favorite clothes and his favorite foods come from.  The resulting books encourage consumers to make purchasing choices with information regarding the who, what, where, and how.  More information about the books and the author is available at Reading in Common.  Timmerman will be visiting Gustavus on September 10, with a free lecture for campus and community that evening presented in Christ Chapel at 7:30 p.m..


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